Mighty Dog Roofing SEO Proposal

Prepared By
RicketyRoo Inc.
July 17, 2024

Why We're Talking

Typically, companies like HorsePower Brands turn to us when they are:


About the results, or lack thereof, provided from previous vendors.


By the sheer amount of noise going on in the industry with what works and what doesn’t.


With their current status quo. Should we prioritize citations, link building, content development, a new website, reviews, structured data, ML/AI, Google My Business, or all of the above?


Because they’ve been promised everything under the sun from sales reps of other agencies but have only ever received blog posts that get minuscule traffic, no ranking improvement on keywords that matter, excuses, and no real strategy besides “Look at this shiny report!”

Executive Overview

Traffic/rankings don’t pay the bills and keep you profitable – leads and new customers do. In order to drive new leads to HorsePower Brands, we need to set the right foundation, not just on the website, but across the local search ecosystem.

We took a look at your current website and organic rankings. Here are our top findings:

  • Poor Location Content Strategy
  • Robots.txt Incorrectly Setup
  • Poor First-Page Rankings
  • Site Design Not SEO-Friendly
  • Weak Backlink Profile

This proposal is designed to go into detail about these high-level findings and how we can help increase organic visibility, at the local level for your target market

We will be measuring rankings and organic traffic monthly but we’ll ideally be looking at reporting on new leads for each location.

Let's Talk About Your Business

Poor Location Page Content Strategy

A significant amount of the content on your pages is hidden under a “read more” section. This content is likely not even under consideration by Google since it’s not visible to searchers. The same is true for your reviews; you have to click to see multiple reviews. Any information that you want to have impact on rankings or conversions should be visible.

This is an issue on many service pages as well.

Poor First-Page Rankings

We reviewed the rankings for two of your brands using Ahrefs. We only looked at first-page rankings from non-branded keywords and non-blog pages. We found that your local rankings are weak across your brands. This is primarily due to the issues we’re discussing in this proposal.

Weak Backlink Profile

We found that your brands have weak backlink profiles that include gibberish anchor text and adding blog posts on websites with virtually no traffic and are topically irrelevant.

Competitor Analysis and Link Benchmarking

Understanding your competitors’ SEO strategy and how it helps them perform is key. Our team provides analyses of competitor on-site SEO strategy and link building strategies to help us understand opportunities for growth.

Backlinks are extremely important for improving organic rankings. Local SEOs ranked it the second-most important ranking signal for organic search. We are significantly behind competitors for topical and local backlinks.

During Amanda’s MozCon 2023 presentation, she shared a case study in which one of our franchise clients saw a 38% increase in clicks YoY from following our competitor link building strategy. Locations that didn’t participate in the study only grew by 14%.

Solutions for Home Services Companies


Outside of ensuring that Google Analytics is tracking conversions, we created a Google Data Studio Dashboard that includes Google My Business Insights.

It’s Recommended that call tracking is implemented on the website and each Google My Business listing has a unique call tracking number to track leads

For call tracking, we recommend CallRail.

Keyword Research

Ensuring that we’re targeting the right keywords for each location is extremely important.

We will be relying on your Google Ads search term reports along with Google Search Console Date

During this process we’ll identify:

  • New keywords to consider
  • Content gap opportunities
  • SERP features including, People Also ask, Knowledge Panels, Answer Box Results, etc.

Competitive Analysis

If you want to rank location pages in their local market, first you
need to understand the local competition.

We look at 3-5 competitors that are ranking well for competitive
keywords to understand not just HOW but WHY.

Here’s what we look at:

  • Site architecture: Internal linking, URL structure, observations on website copy, structured data, readability, and word count.
  • Backlink analysis: We use Ahrefs to identify backlink opportunities and to see how the competitor is building their links.
  • Reviews: Average rating, quantity of reviews, and review velocity

Proprietary Tools (seriously)

Monthly Tech Fee: $50/mo per location

Proprietary tools:

  • Competitive link benchmarking and ongoing link building CRM, saves a lot of time.
  • Google Data Studio SQR: The SQR downloads the previous 16 months worth of Search Console records & puts them into a BigQuery database. A bot downloads the newest records daily.

Our toolset also includes:

  • Rank tracking for your top 10 keywords and top 10 locations.
  • Jepto GBP pipeline setup to feed GBP insights into our GDS report.
  • ahrefs, Majestic, Google Data Studio, Postamatic, BrightLocal, Whitespark, and more.

SEO Discovery Project for Franchisees



Project Length:
1-2 months

Franchisee Initial Roadmap


  • Keyword Research
  • GBP Optimization
  • Bing Places Optimization
  • Apple Maps Optimization
  • Competitive Link Benchmarking
  • Location Page Rewrite
  • Competitor Analysis
  • 3-Month Roadmap

Let's Talk About Mighty Dog Roofing

Robots.txt Potentially Incorrectly Setup

Your robots.txt is not disallowing any admin, login, or other sensitive pages that you may not want to show up in search results.

Site Design Not SEO-Friendly

In addition to the internal linking issues, we also found that the site design is not SEO friendly in general. Instead of locations having service pages, they are all sharing one URL with the location name being switched out.

The best strategy overall would be to create unique content for each service for each location page.

We also noticed that when using the locator, it only shows the closest location to you. This means that Google’s servers would only see California locations when visiting the Locations page.

Poor Site Speed

Poor site speed and Core Web Vital metrics impact both rankings and conversions. Amanda published a case study on the Moz blog for one of our clients.

Results from Addressing Site Speed Issues:

The client saw a 32% increase in new users, a 47% increase in phone calls, and a 63% increase in free quote requests in a year-over-year comparison. There was also a 60% increase in revenue YoY.

Internal Linking Issues

Your location pages are the most important pages on your website for gaining leads. Internal links from other pages help search engines understand their importance and value. We reviewed the number of internal links pointing to your location pages and found that there were very few.

For example, the Huntsville location 0nly has 13 internal links going to the page. 8 of those 13 links have non-descriptive anchor text, which limits their SEO value. Only 2 of the 13 links are not self-referencing and come from a page that is not under /huntsville-al/

Technical & On-Site SEO Issues

Technical issues impact the ability for search engines to crawl, index, and rank your pages. On-Site SEO issues can impact indexing and ranking. Both of these heavily impact the user experience.

We found several concerning issues with technical elements of your website:

49% of the URLs Google crawls on your website redirect to another page. These redirects can cause issues like wasting crawl budget, increasing load time, and providing a poor user experience.

We found that several pages throughout the website still use the redirected URLs. There are over 800 internally linked redirects on the site.

We also found that the sitemap pages for each location are set to noindex nofollow. This is giving search engines the instruction to ignore these pages completely.

We also found lots of redirects similar to this: https://www.mightydogroofing.com/services/roof-replacement/site-map/

It would be better to fix the issue that is causing the erroneous pages ending in /site-map/ than to create redirects for every page on the site because it is having a /site-map/ page added.

Poor Information Architecture

The structure of your website impacts whether search engines can crawl, index, and rank your pages. It also impacts the user experience.

The current information architecture makes the website hard to navigate and understand for both users and search engines.


– Location-related pages have multiple potential URL structures that are not related to one another.





– Location-specific menu items redirect to the national service pages

– No visible breadcrumbs

– Difficult to navigate back to the location homepage


Structured Data Issues

Structured data helps search engines determine what you should rank for. They also allow you to have special features in search results such as images and star ratings.

  • LocalBusiness is a top-level schema type, HomeAndConstructionBusiness is a much better fit.


  • The types used within LocalBusiness are basic, there’s so much more than can be used enhance the structured data and even qualify location pages to get Rich Results.


  • LocalBusiness schema is being deployed on pages where it should not. LB schema should ONLY be deployed on the location page, not child pages under the location pages, example below.


  • There are additional schema types that should be used, especially for a Franchise. Organization, breadcrumbs, FAQ, Product, and a few more.



Lorem Ipsum Text Indexed

We found 21 pages on the site with live Lorem Ipsum text. Search engines may consider the resource to be irrelevant or duplicate if it contains Lorem ipsum text.

Organic Traffic & Rankings

Only 65 of your locations had rankings in the top 10 for non-branded keywords. There doesn’t appear to be a clear strategy for which service pages each location gets.

This is actively harming your ability to rank locally. This limits how you can grow within each market. For example, metal roofing is more popular in some regions than others. Without content specific to metal roofing for those areas, it will be difficult to compete with local competitors focused only on that service area.

SEO Testing

We don’t want to just bring more traffic to your website, we want to help that traffic convert to leads as well.

A test we completed in a 3-month period resulted in a 122% increase in phone calls and form submissions for one of our home services clients.

We use Microsoft Clarity to understand user behavior and make recommendations on how to improve conversions on the site.

We also provide Google Business Profile testing, schema testing, click-through-rate testing, and many other types of test to optimize your search performance.


Recommended SEO Tests:


Google Business Profile Optimization

– Images vs Images with Texts

– Service Areas Updated

– Custom Services

Content Test:
– Roof Repair Pages vs Combined Regular & Emergency Roof Repair Pages

Backlink Test:
– Building Mostly Topical Links vs Building Mostly Local Links

Potential Growth From Addressing Local Content Issues

We used Ahrefs and Google Ads data to determine potential growth based on your markets that do not rank on the first-page of search results. A comprehensive SEO strategy focusing on all locations provides faster growth.

Mighty Dog Roofing Initital Roadmap

We created a 4-month initial roadmap to ensure we addressed the majority of the issues we found while creating your proposal. After the first 4 months, we would be reviewing our recommendations and results to create your next roadmap.


View Roadmap

Mighty Dog Roofing SEO Proposal

SEO Retainer: $39,000/mo

Set-Up Fee: $1,000

Why Us?

We probably don’t fit the typical agency mold that you’re used to working with. There aren’t 4-layers of communication to get to the people doing the actual work on your account.

As our homepage states; “We are passionate about supporting local business. We understand what it takes to drive eyeballs, clicks, and ultimately customers for your business leveraging Google.” And we’re pretty great at it.

Our team is small but knowledgeable, experienced, and mighty! We are confident we’ll be able to drive the right kind of results to HorsePower Brands.

We live and breathe local search and actively contribute to the local SEO and greater SEO community.


Customized Solutions

We offer customized solutions based on the needs of the specific brand, location, competitors, and target audience. We are proud of our ability to provide strategies that are never cookie-cutter and are truly based on your specific needs to succeed.

Our roadmaps are created in sprints so that we can understand the impact of the previous roadmap and account for any changes that are needed. This helps us stay on top of changes in the SEO industry and your website as well.

Client Proof

Case Study: JUNK Relief

- Client since December 2020

RicketyRoo has been a huge return on investment, way more than we ever anticipated. It’s wonderful to not even think about our SEO because we have the true experts.”

Joe Weidman Owner, JUNK Relief

Further Client Proof

Work completed:

  • Technical audit
  • On-site SEO
  • Review building strategy
  • Citation work
  • Local Competitive analysis
  • Local link building

Instead of creating content that may not truly add value, we focused on building.


These numbers are reported directly from them, not some arbitrary metric we pulled to make us look good.


46.99% 2016 VS 2017
79.05% 2017 VS 2018
163.19% 2016 VS 2018

Where do I begin? It’s all so incredibly perfect! I have worked with quite a few people in this industry, one of them supposedly one of the biggest names in the SEO game, but no one has even come close to matching the knowledge and professionalism of Blake and his team at RicketyRoo.

Having a bunch of different service locations in varying markets accross the US and Canada makes it difficult work of developing plans they have put into motion is genius and working SO WELL! Beyond the abvojus knowledge of SEO and implementation strategies, the communication is as good as I’ve ever had with anyone. They are also EAGER to see results in your business and genuinely give a shit. I cannot recommend Rickety Roo enough! Really, you can’t go wrong here!

Scott Schrader CMO, CottageCare

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Thank You For Your Time HorsePower Brands,


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