We’re doing
things differently.
We work with small to medium-sized businesses for a variety of reasons. The biggest one is that we just enjoy talking with other small business owners. We feel the same way about our company. We don’t aim to be a massive agency with hundreds of employees. There’s nothing inherently wrong with wanting to be a large agency. It’s just not something we’re interested in.
Hopefully, you know by now that we don’t have a single sales rep working for us.
When you schedule a Discovery Call with RicketyRoo, you’re going to speak with Blake, the owner. Blake enjoys talking to each client to understand exactly what they are looking for and see if RicketyRoo is a good fit.
Blake makes it a point to be on most client calls, especially when the strategy is involved. He’s involved in every strategy we recommend for a client. The way we work is different than most other local SEO agencies out there.
Our Transparency Process Includes:
- Initial onboarding call – We have a lot of questions and information we need from you
- Monthly call – Go over results for that month, outline what we are doing the next month, and send a follow-up email after the call
- Task completion email – This is my favorite. It’s important to know what the heck you’re paying for. During the monthly call, we’ll go over all the work that was completed the month prior and include it in the follow-up email.
- Google Drive – All work is available to view via a Google Drive shared folder. It contains all logins, reports, content, link reports, etc.

Our Story
One of the first questions people ask me when they hear the company name is “What does RicketyRoo do?” After I answer, they usually ask “How did you come up with the name?”
Hint: It’s not about Kangaroos.
Prior to founding RicketyRoo, I worked for an agency.
For a year I was a Production Manager, and then the last 9 months or so I ran the pay per click division. The primary means of getting new clients was telemarketing.
The agency had 50+ telemarketers “dialing for dollars” each and every day. Even though we had a compliance department, sales reps would make promises that the agency could not deliver.
Clients were dropping like flies, and sales reps still collected a commission on the initial sale. The agency started doing layoffs to stay afloat. A few of my friends/co-workers got laid off; and they were pissed.
A group of us were out later that week, and among the emotionally-charged discussions about what had happened, I threw it out there that we could start our own company.
After some discussion… the idea had legs.
We started to discuss the idea of starting our own company and what we would call it – RicketyRoo just popped into my head, so I put it out there.
Everyone looked at me confused, then they are started to talk about how great of a name it was. I bought the domain name that night.
We never formed the company, over the weekend they all started to look for jobs, and I went back to work that Monday.
3-4 months later, I decided to go out on my own, and since I already had the domain name, I hit the ground running and haven’t looked back since.
When you read RicketyRoo, you can’t tell what we actually do, but it’s a great conversation starter.
It also puts a smile on people’s faces. Admit it, when you read the name there is a slight curiosity and a dash of fun to it, and you want to know more.
It’s both an equal conversation starter and part of who we are; we like to have fun, and we tend to express that.
If you’re looking for someone very serious in a suit and tie, we aren’t going to be a good fit for your needs.
We strive to bring the best results to our customers, a truly delightful experience all along the way.
Our clients appreciate the level of transparency we give them.
Lets talk.
Let’s talk about what you need and how a partnership with us will hit your goals. Arrange a call using the form below and we'll be in touch soon.